Our Services


All claims are submitted weekly to ensure prompt payments as soon as possible.


Claims can be difficult to understand and need to be submitted correctly in order for insurances to pay for services. This means that all client information, diagnosis codes, billing codes, etc. need to be accurate. With our diligent claims team, your claims will be submitted weekly to expedite your insurance payments.

Once the claims are submitted we track them regularly to ensure that the insurance is processing all claims correctly. There can be various reasons for claim denials which we are able to acknowledge quickly because of our regular follow ups. Each one of your client's claims will be entered into our secure portal so you can see everything that is happening with your payments.

After the insurance has processed a claim then we update the claim information in our portal so you know when to expect payment. Our system makes viewing your payment information easy with a detailed breakdown of how a claim was processed. We will also include a copy of the insurance EOB (Explanation of Benefits) attached to each claim for your reference.
Common mistakes we see on claims include:
Insurance plan terminates without notifying the member
Insurance fails to recognize an authorization or diagnosis
Insurance does not pay the correct amount for a claim
Members have not updated their coordination of benefits
Members provided incorrect information such as date of birth or address
Provider's change of address without notifying the insurance
All of these mistakes and more are quickly resolved with the help of our dedicated claims team. We will make sure everything is up to date and relay all necessary information to you so you can inform your client. If a claim denies or does not pay correctly then we will appeal that claim on your behalf.

Our mission is to get you paid the maximum amount from insurance as quickly as possible.

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When the VOB confirms services will be covered, we begin working on an authorization request. Our team consists of trained therapists who understand the


All claims are submitted weekly to ensure prompt payments as soon as possible.


As soon as a potential client provides their health insurance card, we begin verifying that your services are covered.